English textbooks for nurses

Staff joining us from overseas working to improve their English so they may practice here may like to know that we have textbooks to support them available to loan from the library. We also have some more on order due to arrive in the middle of next month. Please tell your colleagues!

Staffed opening hours

Library staffed opening hours for the week beginning 1st Feb are shown below (if you are receiving this in an email you may need to click on the post title to view in full).  Please note that the library remains open 24/7 to members who have requested full access otherwise the building can be accessed during PGMC opening hours Mon-Fri.

Finding the evidence for your research

The library can help you find evidence for your research by carrying out literature searches. We did this recently for Dr Kumar, Consultant Physician & Geriatrician here at County who has now published a study on video-consultation for the management of Parkinson's disease which you can read here: https://www.gmjournal.co.uk/video-consultation-for-the-management-of-parkinson-s-disease-during-covid-19-pandemic

Find out more about our literature search service at the home page of our blog: https://countyhealthlibrary.blogspot.com/p/literature-searches.html and/or by accessing our website: https://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/specialistsupport/literaturesearchservice/

Staffed Library Hours Next Week

The library will be staffed every day next week. Exact times are shown below (click on title if reading this in email form):

Staffed hours next week

 The library remains open through lockdown although as mentioned previously staffed hours are subject to change.  We continue to work our normal hours off-site however and can be reached by email at library@uhnm.nhs.uk between 8.30 and 4pm Monday to Friday. 

We are staffed until 4pm each day next week but start times in the library vary between 8.30 and 9.30 am. On site hours for the next week are as follows: 

Oxford Handbooks Online

There are currently some problems with access to the e-book series Oxford Handbooks online. Please bear with us whilst we seek to resolve this with our suppliers. We will let you know when the e-books are up and running again.

New PCs in the Library

All the desktop PCs in the library have been replaced with new ones running Windows 10 this week. This means that all computers both laptops and desktops are now running Windows 10. Most are on the NHS network but we also have some running on the PGMC wifi allowing you to use software such as Zoom.

We are open for self-study or come and do your ESR stat/mand training online or bring headphones and find a quiet corner for a Teams/Zoom meeting. If there is any Trust software that you need for training not available on our computers let us know and we will see what we can do.

(Note that there is no longer a requirement to type AD when logging in).

Happy New Year!


Wishing everyone all the best for 2021. The library remains open around the clock to users, although you will need to have applied for out of hours access and your membership be up to date in order to access the building after 5pm which is via swipe card. Follow our social media accounts to get notifications of changes to staffed hours during lockdown. Tomorrow and Friday (7th&8th) staff will be available from 0930-1600 and next week from 0900-1600 from Monday-Wednesday. We will up date you as to arrangements for the end of next week when staffing has been confirmed.