
As well as our physical print bookstock, UHNM staff also have access to a wide array of e-books which can be read on line and sometimes downloaded. All you need to access them is an OpenAthens password.

If you haven't got an OpenAthens password you can self-register using your uhnm email address here: https://openathens.nice.org.uk// (there is more help should you need it here: https://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/training/onlineguidesandsupport/athens/ )

Clinical Key

Besides journal articles there are lots and lots of the latest ebooks available via our subscription to Clinical Key on a wide range of clinical topics. Take a look at our guides to Clinical Key here: https://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/training/onlineguidesandsupport/clinicalkey/



There are around 100 titles on this site on a range of topics including many from the popular "...at a glance" series. Once logged in with OpenAthens type University Hospitals of North Midlands in the institution box and then on the page that comes up click on "collections" next to books and the titles will gradually all appear in an alphabetical list. Click on the images to access the books.

Library Search

You can also find some of our e-books alongside print copies in our library catalogue some are for Keele users only but others are available to NHS staff such as  the Oxford Handbooks online collection. Access the catalogue here: https://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/find/librarysearch/

To help you use and access all our e-books as mentioned above there are further helpful guides on our website here: https://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/find/ebooks/

Happy Summer Bank Holiday - the library remains open over the Bank Holiday Weekend for those of you with 24/7 access 😊



What is it? 
Clinical Key is an easy to use Clinical Search engine, providing you with access to a range of evidence-based full-text content, including journals, ebooks, topic summaries, clinical overviews, videos and patient information leaflets

Key Features 

Clinical Search Engine use the search engine to search across a wide range of content, including Medline, for your clinical question. Predictive text is used to help you enter your search terms and filters are available to help you to focus your search.

Available to UHNM staff via OpenAthens.

Summer Bank Holiday 2024

 Reminder that the Health Library will be self-service  on Bank Holiday Monday. Facilities will remain open for those with 24/7 access. Pop in or email us library@uhnm.nhs.uk  to arrange your access.

National Road Victim Month August 2024


On average, 5 people are killed and around 80 people are seriously injured on the UK’s roads every day.  RoadPeace, the national charity for road crash victims, founded National Road Victim Month in 1998 in order to raise awareness of this and to support the victims and/or their families.  They also aim to honour the work of the emergency services who respond to road collisions, as well as the staff of emergency departments who try relentlessly to save road traffic victims.



The Health Libraries, both at the Royal Stoke and County Hospitals, offer numerous resources related to this topic, including trauma care, paramedic science and bereavement. In the lists below you’ll find a small selection of items from our collection. To locate these items, simply go to our online catalogue or ask at the counter. This document covers the following resources – books, journals, journal articles and patient information.



·         Adversity after the crash : the physical, psychological and social burden of motor vehicle crashes; Craig, Ashley; Guest, Rebecca; 2019 (Nova Science Publishers, Inc).

·         PHTLS: prehospital trauma life support; National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (U.S.); American College of Surgeons. Committee on Trauma; 2023 (Jones & Bartlett Learning); 10th edition.

·         Orthopaedic and trauma nursing: an evidence-based approach to musculoskeletal care; Clarke, Sonya; Drozd, Mary; 2023 (John Wiley & Sons); 2nd edition.

·         Trauma care manual; Greaves, Ian; Porter, Keith M; Garner, Jeff; 2022 (CRC Press); 3rd edition. [E-book also available]

·         ABC of major trauma: rescue, resuscitation with imaging, and rehabilitation; Driscoll, P. A; Skinner, David B; Goode, Peter N; 2023 (Wiley Blackwell); 5th edition. [E-book also available]

·         Operative techniques in orthopaedic trauma surgery; Tornetta, Paul, III; Wiesel, Sam W; Albert, Todd J; 2022 (Wolters Kluwer); 3rd edition. [UHNM e-book also available via Clinical Key]

·         Advanced paediatric life support: a practical approach to emergencies; Advanced Life Support Group; Samuels, Martin, editor; Wieteska, Susan; 2017 (BMJ Books); 6th edition. [Keele e-book also available]

·         Fundamentals of paramedic practice: a systems approach; Willis, Sam; Peate, Ian; 2024 (Wiley-Blackwell); 3rd edition. [Keele e-book also available]

·         You are not alone: a new way to grieve; Lloyd, Cariad; 2024 (Bloomsbury Publishing) – [part of our Patient Voices Collection].

·         Grief works: stories of life, death and surviving; Samuel, Julia; 2018 (Penguin Life) – [part of our Reading Well Collection].


·         Journal of emergencies, trauma and shock; INDO-US Emergency and Trauma Collaborative; (Medknow Publications) – [Available as an Open Access e-journal from 2008 onwards].

·         Trauma surgery & acute care open; American Association for the Surgery of Trauma, issuing body; (BMJ) – [Available as an Open Access e-journal from 2016 onwards].

·         BMC emergency medicine; (BioMed Central) – [Available as an Open Access e-journal from 2001 onwards].

·         International journal of emergency medicine; (BioMed Central) – [Available as an Open Access e-journal from 2008 onwards].

·         Burns & trauma; Chinese Burn Association, issuing body; (Oxford University Press) – [Available as an Open Access e-journal from 2019 onwards].

·         Injury (Online); British Trauma Society; Australasian Trauma Society; (Elsevier Science Ltd) – [Available as paper journal from 1994 to 2010; available as a Keele e-journal from 2010 onwards*, and UHNM e-journal 2007 onwards].

*N.B. NHS members can obtain temporary Keele IT log-ins to view e-journals from the Keele IT suite in the Library.

Access more journals via our Journals webpage: http://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/find/journals/ 


·         “Road traffic accident-related thoracic trauma: Epidemiology, injury pattern, outcome, and impact on mortality-A multicenter observational study”; Benhamed, Axel; Ndiaye, Amina; et al; PloS one, 2022-05, Vol.17 (5), p.e0268202-e0268202; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0268202 . [Available as Open Access]

·         “Health literacy and recovery following a non-catastrophic road traffic injury”; Gopinath, Bamini; Jagnoor, Jagnoor; Kifley, BMC public health, 2022-07, Vol.22 (1), p.1-1380, Article 1380. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-022-13707-7. [Available as Open Access]

·         Trauma Outcomes in Pediatric Nonfatal Road Traffic Accidents; Popa, Ștefan; Bulgaru-Iliescu, Diana; et al; Children (Basel), 2024-04, Vol.11 (4), p.425; DOI: 10.3390/children11040425 . [Available as Open Access]

·         “Cycling-related trauma admissions to the major trauma centre in the cycling capital of the United Kingdom”; Arshad, Zak ; Majeed, Malik; et al; Injury, 2022-12, Vol.53 (12), p.3970-3977; DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2022.09.016 . [Available as a Keele e-journal and UHNM e-journal]

·         “Unusual presentation of road traffic accident”; Rahul Devidas Pawaskar; Sonia Devidas Pawaskar; International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2024-05, Vol.12 (1), p.508-513; DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2024.12.1.0813 . [Available as Open Access]

·         “Traumatic uterine rupture: A rare complication of vehicle accidents”; Azouz, Ines; Souissi, Basma; et al; Radiology case reports, 2024-05, Vol.19 (5), p.1994-1997; DOI: 10.1016/j.radcr.2024.02.020 . [Available as Open Access]

·         “Pattern of Ocular Injuries Following Road Traffic Accidents Seen at a Tertiary Eye Hospital”; Ono, Takashi; Iwasaki, Takuya; et al; CurÄ“us (Palo Alto, CA), 2024-04, Vol.16 (4), p.e59126-e59126; DOI: 10.7759/cureus.59126 . [Available as a NHS & Keele e-journal]

·         “Road Traffic Accident Traumatic Vehicle Seat Belt Abdominal Wall Hernia”; Manasra, Mahmoud R. ; Farah, Roua E; Abufara, Arein A; et al; Case reports in surgery, 2024-02, Vol.2024, p.1-5. DOI: 10.1155/2024/4408980 . [Available as Open Access].

·         “Associations of Dimensions of Anger With Distress Following Traumatic Bereavement”; Lenferink, Lonneke I. M; Nickerson, Angela; et al; Psychological trauma, 2024-02, Vol.16 (2), p.176-183. DOI: 10.1037/tra0001275 . [Available as a NHS & Keele e-journal]

N.B. All the above articles are Open Access so are available online to both Keele & NHS users.


·         NHS website:

o   Head injury and concussion - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-injury-and-concussion/

o   Eye injury - https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/eye-injuries/

o   Bereavement - https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/advice-for-life-situations-and-events/bereavement/


·         Charities / Further information:

o   Road Peace - https://www.roadpeace.org/

o   Brake – The road safety charity - https://www.brake.org.uk/

o   Cruse Bereavement Support - https://www.cruse.org.uk/


·         Clinical Key – Patient Education Leaflets [Available to UHNM only with OpenAthens log-in]:

o   Grieving: Facing Illness, Death and Other Losses - https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/patient_handout/5-s2.0-pe_AAFP_grieving-facing-illness-death-and-other-losses_en

o   Managing Loss, Adult - https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/patient_handout/5-s2.0-pe_bf44a051-7487-4fee-9fd4-23a0723c61d0

o   Managing Loss, Teen - https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/patient_handout/5-s2.0-pe_47409167-2f9c-4363-b2ef-b62668617fd2

o   Managing Trauma, Teen https://www.clinicalkey.com/#!/content/patient_handout/5-s2.0-pe_072227bf-1a8f-4a50-8609-615f645d5d25


KnowledgeShare CURRENT AWARENESS:   

KnowledgeShare Evidence Updates is a personalised current awareness service which sends, straight to your email inbox, new evidence on topics tailored to your requirements and collated by Health Librarians.For more information, or to register for KnowledgeShare please go to https://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/find/currentawareness/

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