Clinical decision support tools

 Staff at UHNM have access to clinical decision support tools  Dynamed and BMJ Best Practice. You can set up accounts to either or both of these resources using your OpenAthens username and password.


DynaMed, a clinical evidence-based summary service has been purchased by UHNM Health Libraries to support your clinical practice. 

Watch these two short videos: DynaMed NHS intro & Drug Interaction Checker on how to utilise DynaMed and sign up for a free personal account here + download our free app via the App Store/Google Play store.

BMJ Best Practice

Watch the video about BMJ Best Practice here 

How to Access

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your OpenAthens username and password and click ‘Sign in’
  3. If you are a new user, you will need to now register for a BMJ Best Practice personal account. If prompted for an institution enter "NHS in England". Use your personal account to download the app for access anywhere, anytime, even offline.

If you would like to know more or would like more help accessing and using these resources, please contact the library: .