24/7 access to the library

We are pleased to announce that following lockdown during which the physical library facilities were closed, out of hours access has now been reinstated at the Health Library at County giving 24/7 admittance to eligible staff.

The library is currently staffed 10-4 Monday to Friday, although staff are working remotely outside of these hours. Library members can also access the library 9-5 when the PGMC building is open.

If you wish to access the library outside of the 9-5 you need to be a member of the library (join here:  https://www.keele.ac.uk/healthlibrary/usingthehealthlibrary/join/) and will need to contact us at library@uhnm.nhs.uk or pop in so we can sort out permissions.

If you have previously been granted out of hours access we suggest you test your badge or card to ensure it is functioning if you are planning on working late and advise that you don't pop out leaving anything in the building if you haven't tested your card to ensure you can re-enter. Please contact us in case of any problems or if you are unsure if you have previously applied for access. (Note that your library membership needs to be kept up-to-date for out of hours access cards to remain active).

If you have previously paid a refundable deposit as you are not a County hospital badge holder, and find that you no longer need out of hours access or are leaving the Trust, please return the card to us in person and we will provide your refund.