Libraries Week Round-up

 Library staff enjoyed meeting clincial and non-clinical staff and patients whilst handing out free books last week to celebrate #LibrariesWeek. If you didn't manage to get a copy of Mike Gayle's The man I think I know we do have a copy available for loan along with many others in our leisure reading collection.

We managed to take some photos (see below) with staff on Wards 8,7,15 and Elective Orthopaedics

(If you are receiving this blogpost as an email you may need to click through to the blog to see the pictures in full

Book Club

If you enjoy reading why not enquire about joining our book club? You don't have to go away and read a specific book, it is more a get together to discuss what you have been reading and share recommendations and can be leisure reading or leadership/management/self-help style books. We are currently liaising with members to see how they would prefer it to run during the current climate ie face to face or in an online format.