Refurbishment of Health Library at County


Exciting news that the Health Library at County is soon to undergo a programme of refurbishment. This will start with painting and decorating in the first 3 weeks of November. We aim to stay open as much as we can. Work will start upstairs on 1st November but we will keep the downstairs area open during this time.  This situation will reverse in the second week with upstairs being open to library users whilst downstairs is painted. Please observe any additional signposting and avoid areas marked out of bounds if accessing the library out of staffed hours.

We will have to close for a few days whilst there is scaffolding up to reach the apex at the chapel entrance. This section of the work is due to start on 10th November and we will let you know when the library is accessible again afterwards. Follow our social media posts on Twitter and Instagram for updates.

All our resources will continue to be available online as usual and staff are always contactable by email ( Our books will be packed away for a few weeks but we can still request stock from Health Library at Stoke to be sent across for you. For the short period that the library is closed, library staff will be located in the PGMC. 

New carpeting, lighting and other developments are also planned in near future and we will keep you posted. 

(picture from