April – Stress Awareness Month

 April – Stress Awareness Month

THOUGHT LEADERSHIP PANEL- FREE WEBINAR - This Stress Awareness Month, we are presented with a vital opportunity to confront a pressing public health concern: Burnout. If left unmanaged, burnout can manifest in physical, mental and emotional exhaustion. Burnout is a widespread reality affecting the healthcare sector.

That is why Elsevier will bring together leading experts to discuss the causes, impacts and prevention of burnout among nurses, physicians, technicians and others in the healthcare field.

Our panellists will share their research and frontline experiences dealing with burnout by exploring the personal and professional toll. Panellists will also explore how this crisis exacerbates other workforce challenges.

Join us on Tuesday 23 April to gain valuable insights into creating healthier, more sustainable clinical environments: A Conversation on Burnout in Healthcare

Register today and don't miss this opportunity to hear from the experts.

#healthdays2024 #Elsevier #Stressawareness #Burnout #MentalHealth